NEC SuperGrafx hardware notes by Charles MacDonald WWW: Unpublished work Copyright 2003, 2004 Charles MacDonald This document is in a very preliminary state and is subject to change. Most everything within has been tested and verified on a SuperGrafx console, but please be aware that my testing methods or interpretations of results could be flawed. I can't guarantee that everything is 100% accurate. What's New: [04/17/04] - Completed S-EXP port pin assignments. - Clarified information about I/O port. [02/21/03] - Added information about 74HC157 output state for the S-EXP port. - Added information about VDC #2 interrupts. Table of contents: - Overview - Memory map - I/O port - PAD connector - S-EXP connector - EXT BUS connector - Video Priority Controller - Miscellaneous - SuperGrafx software - Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The SuperGrafx is an upgraded version of the original PC-Engine, which is mostly backwards compatible with it. It's improved features are: - 32K of work RAM for the HuC6280 instead of 8K like the original PC-Engine. - A second VDC with 64K of VRAM. - A video priority controller chip to mix the output of both VDCs, the combined output is sent to the VCE for display. It has the following components: Hudson HuC6202 Video Priority Controller Hudson HuC6260A Video Color Encoder Hudson HuC6270 (x2) Video Display Controller Hudson HuC6280A CPU HSRM20256-LM10 32K SRAM for CPU work RAM HSRM20256-M12 (x4) 128K SRAM for video RAM (32Kx2 per VDC) MC74HC157N Quad 2-to-1 multiplexer for PAD and S-EXP ports I don't know if the 'A' revisions of the VCE and CPU are different from what was used in the original PC-Engine and TurboGrafx-16. Since the VPC and VDC have no 'A' suffix, they are probably unchanged from the first version of Hudson Soft's original C62 chip set. Even though each VDC chip can support up to 128K of video RAM, each one only has 64K available, just like the original PC-Engine. The system has a switch located in the back of the unit which selects either PC-Engine compatability mode or native SuperGrafx mode. This switch is to support original PC-Engine games which try to access the VDC at mirrored locations, which the SuperGrafx hardware uses. The SuperGrafx has the same type of EXT-BUS connector used in the PC-Engine and other systems to interface with a CD-ROM drive. However, the unique shape of the SuperGrafx prevents it from fitting into the IFU-30 interface tray for use with the original CD-ROM drive. NEC sold an extension cable called the RAU-30 that clips on to the back of the SuperGrafx, and has a PC-Engine shaped box on the other end of the cable that fits into the IFU-30 to allow the two to work. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HuC6280 memory map ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bank map 00-7F : HuCard ROM 80-87 : Unused (returns $FF, optionally 64K of CD RAM goes here) 88-F6 : Unused (returns $FF) F7 : Unused (returns $FF, optionally 2K of backup RAM goes here) F8-FB : Work RAM (32K) FC-FE : Unused (returns $FF) FF : I/O region The above layout assumes a stock machine with no special HuCards or accessories being used. The full 32K of work RAM is always available regardless of being in PC-Engine or SuperGrafx mode. The I/O region has the following layout: 0000-03FF : Video chip area 0400-07FF : VCE registers 0800-0BFF : PSG registers 0C00-0FFF : Timer registers 1000-13FF : I/O port 1400-17FF : IRQ registers 1800-1BFF : Unused (returns $FF, optionally CD/backup registers go here) 1C00-1FFF : Unused (returns $FF) The video chip area has two different arrangements. In PC-Engine mode, VDC #1 has it's registers mapped here, mirrored repeatedly for every 4 bytes. In SuperGrafx mode, a 32-byte block is mirrored throughout the 1K space containing more registers: 0000-0003 : VDC #1 registers 0004-0007 : VDC #1 registers (mirror) 0008-000F : VPC registers 0010-0013 : VDC #2 registers 0014-0017 : VDC #2 registers (mirror) 0018-001F : Unused (returns $FF) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I/O port ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The HuC6280 contains an 8-bit input port and 8-bit output port as part of it's on-chip peripherals. Writing to $1000-$13FF sets the state of the output latch connected to the output port pins, and reading $1000-$13FF returns the state of input port pins. The inputs have pull-up resistors, so they return '1' when left unconnected or not being actively driven low. HuC6280 pin Description SuperGrafx use 22 Input port bit 0 From 74HC157 1Y (PAD pin G, S-EXP pin e) (D0) 24 Input port bit 1 From 74HC157 2Y (PAD pin F, S-EXP pin f) (D1) 25 Input port bit 2 From 74HC157 3Y (PAD pin E, S-EXP pin g) (D2) 26 Input port bit 3 From 74HC157 4Y (PAD pin D, S-EXP pin h) (D3) 27 Input port bit 4 Not connected 28 Input port bit 5 Not connected 29 Input port bit 6 Not connected 30 Input port bit 7 From EXT-BUS pin CD 31 Output port bit 0 To S-EXP pin p, PAD pin C (SEL) 32 Output port bit 1 To S-EXP pin o, PAD pin B (CLR) 33 Output port bit 2 To S-EXP pin n 34 Output port bit 3 To S-EXP pin m 35 Output port bit 4 To S-EXP pin j 36 Output port bit 5 To S-EXP pin a 37 Output port bit 6 To S-EXP pin b 38 Output port bit 7 To S-EXP pin c Input port bits 3-0 are shared between the PAD and S-EXP connectors through a multiplexer. Input port bits 6-4 are not connected and return '1' when read. Bit 6 is used by export software to detect if the system is PC-Engine compatible (bit 6 = 1) or TurboGrafx-16 compatible (bit 6 = 0). Bit 7 is used by pin CD of the EXT-BUS connector to determine if a device is connected to it (bit 7 = 1) or if nothing is present (bit 7 = 0). Output ports bit 0,1 (SEL and CLR) go to both the PAD and S-EXP connectors, and are always active regardless of something being plugged into the S-EXP connector or not. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAD connector ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a 8-pin female mini DIN connector, identical to the type used on other NEC systems like the PC-Engine / Shuttle / Duo / R / RX consoles. Left Right A B C D E F G H A = Ground B = Output port bit 1 (CLR) C = Output port bit 0 (SEL) D = Input port bit 3 (D3) E = Input port bit 2 (D2) F = Input port bit 1 (D1) G = Input port bit 0 (D0) H = +5V The plug notch is directly above pin B. The controller circuit board has a 9-pin connector which the cable plugs into. Here is it's pinout, assuming you are looking at the board with the component side facing you. Left Right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 = +5V 2 = Input port bit 0 (D0) 3 = Input port bit 1 (D1) 4 = Input port bit 2 (D2) 5 = Input port bit 3 (D3) 6 = Output port bit 0 (SEL) 7 = Output port bit 1 (CLR) 8 = Ground 9 = Ground (Shield) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- S-EXP connector ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an 18-pin female connector located at the front of the unit. It is an expanded version of the PAD connector with more output pins. Left Right a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r a = Output port bit 5 b = Output port bit 6 c = Output port bit 7 d = Ground e = Input port bit 0 (D0) f = Input port bit 1 (D1) g = Input port bit 2 (D2) h = Input port bit 3 (D3) i = +5V j = Output port bit 4 k = Ground l = Multiplexer select input (GND= S-EXP, +5V= PAD) m = Output port bit 3 n = Output port bit 2 o = Output port bit 1 (CLR) p = Output port bit 0 (SEL) q = Ground r = +5V A 74HC157 multiplexer is used to share input port bits D3-D0 between the PAD and S-EXP connectors. It is always enabled, and has the select input tied to S-EXP pin l through a pull-up resistor. This means that normally the PAD connector is used, and if something is plugged in to the S-EXP port, the PAD connector inputs are disabled and bits D3-D0 of the input port are routed to the S-EXP connector instead. As far as I know, NEC only released one peripheral which used the S-EXP port, which was a multi-function input device. I don't know if it was commercially released or was only in the prototype stages; some magazines have a picture of the unit with the SuperGrafx plugged into the back. It's not known if any existing SuperGrafx software supports it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT BUS connector ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is used to hook the SuperGrafx up to a CD-ROM peripheral, and most likely works with other items like the various backup boosters, A/V booster, and printer. My unit had a modification made to the board; a wire was added to join the /OE pin on the EXT BUS connector to the /RD pin on the HuCard card edge connector. I don't know if all units have this or if it was a problem with earlier models only. I've seen a photograph of another SuperGrafx with the same modification as well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Priority Controller ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The VPC performs several functions: - Controls address decoding for the video register area determined by the compatability mode switch. - Combines the video output of VDC #1 and VDC #2, passing the result to the VCE for display. - Allows the store-immediate instructions (ST0, ST1, ST2) to affect either VDC #1 or VDC #2. - Mananges two windows to allow modification of priority and visibility between the VDC #1 and VDC #2 displays on a per-pixel basis. Overview The VDC has a 9-bit bus which transmits pixel data (4 bits), palette data (4 bits), and a sprite/background indicator (1 bit). In other systems, this bus is connected to the VCE and directly indexes it's 512-entry color table. For the SuperGrafx this is connected to the VPC for further processing. Priority between backgrounds and sprites are managed internally to the VDC, and no priority information is output for the VPC to use. This means that the VPC cannot distinguish between the following: - High priority or low priority sprites - Background tiles with low-priority sprites in an earlier SAT position behind them to mask out high-priority sprites with a later SAT position in front. The priority management that the VPC is responsible for is simply ordering the four layers (VPC #1 background, sprites, VPC #2 background, sprites) based on the sprite/background indicator bit and the transparency state of the pixel data from each layer. Windows The VPC has two 10-bit registers which define the width of Window 1 and Window 2. The windows start from the leftmost pixel of the physical screen, not the active display area, which is a window width setting of $0040. Values smaller than this disable the window, and values larger than this make the window extend horizontally across the screen, from left to right, A setting of $3FF makes the window take up the entire width of the screen. Priority Control VPC registers $0008 and $0009 make up four 4-bit register groups: Bit 3 : Priority mode, bit 1 Bit 2 : Priority mode, bit 0 Bit 1 : VDC #2 display enable (0= off, 1= on) Bit 0 : VDC #1 display enable (0= off, 1= on) Store Immediate Control The VPC manages video output from both VDC chips and determines which pixel data from either VDC will be sent to the VCE to be displayed. It seems to also handle address decoding for the VDC memory area, to map the VDC #2 and it's own registers there. The VPC controls two windows which individually select which VDC layers are enabled and what the priority setting is. The windows can have their width defined in units of single pixels, and are as tall as the height of the display. There are four possible areas defined by the windows; where there is no window, only window 1, only window 2, or where window 1 and 2 overlap. Registers $0008 and $0009 make up four 4-bit values that define the enabled layers and priority setting for the four possible window areas. Each 4-bit value has the same format: bit 3 : Bit 1 of priority setting bit 2 : Bit 0 of priority setting bit 1 : VDC #2 graphics are 0=disabled, 1=enabled bit 0 : VDC #1 graphics are 0=disabled, 1=enabled Bits 7-4 of $0008 are for the region occupied by window 2 Bits 3-0 of $0008 are for the region where window 1 and 2 overlap Bits 7-4 of $0009 are for the region where no window is present Bits 3-0 of $0009 are for the region occupied by window 1 Both registers return the value last written. If both VDC graphics layers are disabled, color 0 from the VCE color table is shown for all pixels in the region affected. This includes the overscan area, which in a regular TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine is filled with color 256 (first entry of the sprite palette). The default priority as as follows: Back Front SP2 > BG2 > SP2' > SP1 > BG1 > SP1' BG2 = VDC #2 background SP2 = VDC #2 low priority sprites SP2'= VDC #2 high priority sprites BG1 = VDC #1 background SP1 = VDC #1 low priority sprites SP1'= VDC #1 high priority sprites The 2-bit priority field affects the layer ordering. The above default priority setting is selected for values of 00b and 11b. For 01b, VDC #1 sprites are shown behind the VDC #2 background. However, the VDC #1 background has missing sprite-shaped areas where it's sprites are, even though they are hidden behind both background layers. For 10b, VDC #2 sprites are shown in front of the VDC #1 background and behind VDC #1 sprites. However, low priority VDC #2 sprites are still shown behind VDC #2 background tiles. To my understanding, both VDC chips output a 9-bit code, which consists of four bits for pixel data, four bits for palette data, and one bit which is a background or sprite indicator. This is why a setting of 01b has missing areas where the sprites are, because the VDC #1 isn't sending any background graphics data for those pixels, only sprite data. For the same reason, this is why a setting of 10b allows VDC #2 sprites to appear over the VDC #1 background but still be shown behind the VDC #2 background if the sprite is low priority. The sprite and background priority handling is done internally by the VDC, and the final image is output to the VPC. The VPC can't tell the difference between low and high priority sprites. The window width is a 10-bit value. Values smaller than $40 mean the window is hidden but I haven't checked to see if this affects the horizontal overscan area. Here are the registers used: $000A : Window 1 (LSB in D7-D0) $000B : Window 1 (MSB in D1-D0) $000C : Window 2 (LSB in D7-D0) $000D : Window 2 (MSB in D1-D0) Each register returns the value last written, though the MSB register only retains data in bits 1 and 0. When bit 0 of register $000E is set, the ST0, ST1, and ST2 instructions send data to VDC #2 instead of VDC #1. Regular access (STZ, STX, etc.) to the VDC #1 or #2 registers function normally. Reading this register always returns $00. Register $000F seems to be unused. Reading it always returns $00. On power-up the VPC is initialized to the following settings for registers $0008 through $000F: $11 $11 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 This disables the windows and store immediate to VDC #2 mode, and has the same priority setting with only VDC #1 enabled for all window regions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- On power-up, work RAM banks $F8 and $FA are initialized to mostly zero with some random data, and banks $F9 and $FB are initialized to mostly $FF with some random data. When reading the VCE color data, odd addresses return random data in unused bits 7-1. In a TurboGrafx-16 these bits are always fixed at '1'. On power-up, most of the VCE color entries are initialized with many or all of the bits set. This is why turning on a SuperGrafx with no game inserted gives a white or bright pink, green, or blue screen. The color table address is always reset to zero. Even though the VPC window / priority settings affect the entire height of the display, I think the designers assumed raster effects would be used to split up the screen vertically. Since the VCE controls the dot clock for both VDC chips and the VPC, it's not possible to have mixed resolutions. However, each VDC can define how much of the display it will use through it's own screen size registers. The /IRQ1 input of the HuC6280 is shared with both VDC's. This means that when an IRQ1 interrupt occurs, you have to read the status flags from VDC #1 and #2 to determine which one caused it. There's no conflict if they both request an interrupt at the same time, but you do need to acknowledge the interrupt by reading the status flags from VDC #1 and #2. From a programming standpoint, as both video chips are in sync with each other and are managed by the same CPU, it would be easier to disable interrupts on VDC #2 and only use them on VDC #1. After all, there's no point in having both of them cause a VD interrupt at the end of the frame. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SuperGrafx software ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's a list of all of the SuperGrafx games I know of: - Ghouls & Ghosts - Grandzort - Battle Ace - Aldynes - 1941 Counter Attack Darius Plus is a regular PC-Engine game which uses the SuperGrafx (if present) to add more sprites for less flicker. Darius Alpha is a promotional version of the game which has the same feature, it was given to people who had purchased the Darius Plus HuCard as well as the Super Darius CD game. Strider is not a SuperGrafx game and was released as a CD game which required the Arcade Card. Even then, it is a pretty bad port of the original game, though the redone soundtrack is nice. :) There are no CD, SCD, or ACD games which were written for the SuperGrafx. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you use any information from this document, please credit me (Charles MacDonald) and optionally provide a link to my webpage ( so interested parties can access it. The credit text should be present in the accompanying documentation of whatever project which used the information, or even in the program itself (e.g. an about box). Regarding distribution, you cannot put this document on another website, nor link directly to it.